#WFH during the COVID-19 crisis — Free courses, tools and more — Kubix Digital

Halide Ebcinoglu
5 min readApr 2, 2020

Ok, up until now we all got it, right? COVID-19 is still here and looks like it is here to stay for some more days, weeks and even months. First, maybe most of you thought “Oh well, I can stay home 2–3 weeks, that’s no problem”, but now, after 3 weeks in home exile and following all major news channels, we can say it out loud and accept it: At least one more month of #WFH, homeschooling, social distancing for all of us. I’m normally one of the most positive-minded people you might ever meet, but even me, I now have become a lot more realistic. It doesn’t look like this April will be like any other April that we have ever experienced before. So, unfortunately, I cannot say now “Ah, that was just a joke.” This means no April Fool’s Day for no one this year, even not from Google and maybe that’s weird, but I liked these hidden easter eggs a lot.

The whole world is literally frozen, locked down and we are all trying to find a way to survive somehow economically, physically and mentally. Most of us will experience various degrees of the typical set of emotions that characterize the five stages of grieving a loss and that’s a bit scary, of course. Here they are:

  • Shock, denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression, reflection, loneliness
  • Acceptance and hope

The challenge for us all is that different people are at different stages along the continuum. It’s difficult to know where in the process anyone in particular may be.

So, as you might have guessed right, I already reached the last stage of grief: Acceptance and hope!

With this blog post I want to share my hope with all of you and just share a sum up of everything I came across lately and that I think could be of any use for you.

These are mostly related to our Search/Digital Marketing industry, but I also added some stuff to cheer you up, keep healthy and happy. Oh and of course, it’s all free. So, I hope you take advantage of it.

Free SEO/Content/Digital Marketing Trainings, Webinars, Courses etc.

Well, now is your time to shine!

Is It After Work, Do You Need a Coffee/Tea Break or Do You Just Want to Socialize?

Here are two places to “hang out” for the time being:

The other one is

The topics that are planned for the week starting March 30th are:

  • SEO Reporting and Analytics
  • Creating the Perfect SEO and Content Marketing Strategy
  • Managing SEO Performance Across Remote Teams
  • Chasing the Algorithm — Penalties and EAT
  • SERPs and Featured Snippets

I will take part in one or two of them as a 5-min-speaker, too. First one scheduled for me is on “Keyword Research Why It is Still Important” on April 8th. Just follow the link and sign up for it right away. Lots of interesting topics are lined up throughout the whole month of April. Don’t miss having a cup of tea together with people from your industry. Would love to see you in one!

More Free Stuff for Personal Development, Remote Work, Ecommerce etc.

If you want to add more skills for your daily job or want to develop yourself in a completely different area here is an overview of

By the way, did you know that LinkedIn was one of the first organizations to react quickly on the coronavirus crisis? Right away they offered content on how to set up yourself for remote work.

What I also came across and found pretty impressive was Shopify’s COVID-19 cool & human approach. Perhaps you are just getting your ecommerce business off the ground, or maybe you have been thinking for a while of transitioning your online store to the Shopify platform. If either is the case, now is a great time to do so. In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Shopify has extended its trial period length by over 6x, from 14 days to 90 days. Pretty cool, huh?

What I also thought is a very useful blog post is the one written by, the one and only, Aleyda Solis on

So if you want to know which video conference software offers the best free version and what are their free plans limitations? You can read everything on Zoom, Whereby, GoToMeeting, UberConference, Join.me etc.

In that context, Aleyda didn’t mention that one in her post, Google Hangouts enterprise edition is now also offered for free for all users until July 1st. Businesses can use google hangouts for both internal operations and external marketing purposes.

Now with so many events cancelled you might get lucky and still find most of them still happen online/virtually. Just check out your favorite events, conferences etc. and find out yourself if you will be able to attend them online. For example the SMX Munich switched to SMX Munich Virtual Mid-March and will try to hold the actual event, if everything goes well, in August 2020.

What I also found very useful and maybe you were just thinking about on how to host/make a webinar, live-stream or virtual event yourself, Google has put together a

Just check it out and yes, it’s actually easier & a lot of more fun than you might have thought.

Helping Others in Need — Finding a Job or If You Know Someone Looking for Freelancers, Digital Marketing Services etc.

Now that we have all made better selves of ourselves, it’s time to help others too.

Here are some great sources that I want to share with you today that could help some of your friends, acquaintances, clients, partners or maybe you might even want to join one of these initiatives to offer your services / knowledge for free yourself. Might be worth thinking about sharing your knowledge and experience to some businesses & people that really need it right now.

Here is an updated video on this program:

If you know someone whose company could benefit from this just reach out to him or share the link above.

Some more good news — also the big ones below are helping SMEs in need right now:

Bonus or “Save the Best for Last”

So, to come to an end: Your career, your free time, the boredom of your kids and your marriage is saved for now! Yes, yes you can hug me later (as you know that’s not allowed at the moment!) Until then, please “ Keep calm & carry on” and don’t forget to smile from time to time, it really helps!

PS: If you have free resources or ideas that you want to see to be included in this blog post please send them along, I can add them at any time. Thank you!

Originally published at https://kubix.digital.



Halide Ebcinoglu

Sustainable Marketing Professional🌻 SEO & SEM Consultant👩🏻‍💻